
In addition to giving at mass, there are four ways you can donate to the parish at this time.

Option 1: E-Transfer

You can E-transfer funds to Please include your name, address, donation amount, and any instructions for directing the funds (e.g. general donation, roofing project.)

Option 2: In-person

Drop off your Sunday envelope in-person at the parish office, Monday-Friday, 9 am -4 pm.

Option 3: Monthly Pre-Authorized Payment

Complete this form and return it to the parish office with a void cheque to set up your pre-authorized monthly payments.

Option 4: Canada Helps Form

You can use the form below to make a donation. If you use this form, your tax receipt will be issued by Canada Helps. When you donate through Canada Helps, our Parish is listed under

St. Charles Parish, Edmonton, Alberta