The Social Justice Ministry works within the parish community and beyond to advocate for social policies that align with Christian teachings. The ministry engages itself with the ongoing social justice causes supported by the archdiocese, and also develops programs of its own.
If you are interested in learning more about this energetic team, please contact the parish office at 780-456-5399.
Below are a few initiatives that have been a focus for the St. Charles Social Justice Ministry:
Marian Centre Edmonton is a Catholic based community in the inner city of Edmonton. Their work with the vulnerable people of Edmonton is invaluable as they provide food, support, and various necessities for those in need. The Social Justice Ministry has assisted with past lunch preparation and distribution, donations of food and other needs.
Inner City Pastoral Ministry (ICPM) is an ecumenical Christian ministry serving the people of the inner city of Edmonton. One of their main elements is the Sunday morning worship, followed by a lunch. The Social Justice Ministry has proudly provided food and service to this important inner-city ministry.
Homeward Trust/Homeless Connect is a community-inspired initiative, providing free services to people experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of experiencing homelessness. This event occurs twice a year and thanks to the support of sponsors, service providers and volunteers, the at-risk community receives free services and necessities. St. Charles Social Justice Ministry has volunteered at Homeless Connect for a number of years.
Ann Integrated Modern School (AIMS) is a school based in Uganda and is established by one of our own parishioners. Their motto is “It Takes A Global Village To Raise A Child” and St. Charles has stepped up to be a part of that Global Village. The Social Justice Ministry has organized fundraisers to support the purchase of desks as well as the development of a garden that provides meals for the students.
Development and Peace is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis. The Social Justice Ministry focuses its attention on the seasonal campaigns developed by Development and Peace.
Linking with Lima was a multi-year project initiated by the Social Justice Ministry in 2008. A connection was made with a developing parish community in the mountains of Lima. With the support of St. Charles parishioners, the parishioners of Christ the Liberator parish now have a church, built mostly with their own hands, that they can call home.
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