The weekend of January 25/26, we spoke to you about the Extraordinary Maintenance needs that the parish has.
We take care of our Ordinary Maintenance needs through OMS, a company that we pay monthly. They clean the church, cut the grass, clear the snow and many more things like that.
This year we have some bigger Extraordinary Maintenance needs that need to be taken care of:
- The Boiler that heats the main body of the Church is near the end of its life. It has been there for the life of the Church (29 years), and needs to be replaced. ($130,000).
- The Air Handling unit in the Activity Centre needs to be replaced as well ($52,000).
- There are the other Extraordinary Maintenance Projects we mentioned in the presentation on Sunday that add up to $68,000. This allows us to get caught up in our yearly maintenance plan.
All together this comes to $250,000. This seems like a big number and it is when taken on by an an individual. But we are not just an individual, we are a community.
Two things: One, please keep giving what you are giving now. That is the first way you can help. It keeps the parish in the black, so that every month and year, our expenses keep up with our income. Secondly, if everybody on Flocknote gave an extra $5 a week or $20 a month to the Boiler Campaign, we would raise what we need and more. Any extra we have we will put towards the general needs of the Church.
We will keep you posted on a regular basis as to where we are in terms of pledges.