For Children
Parents are the primary educators of the faith of their children. To support parents in this role, our Parish offers preparation sessions to aid parents in preparing their children for the sacraments.
- First Reconciliation: A Sacrament for all Catholic children whose parents feel they are ready to celebrate. This Sacrament must be celebrated prior to receiving First Eucharist, usually in Grade Two.
- First Eucharist: A Sacrament for all Catholic children whose parents feel they are ready to celebrate. This Sacrament is celebrated after the Sacrament of First Reconciliation, usually in Grade Two.
- Confirmation: A Sacrament for Catholic youth, Grade Six or older who have already received the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
- Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC): This process leads to membership in the Catholic Church. The program is for children ages 6-13 who were not Baptized as infants. Reception into the Church takes place after a period of instruction and formation of the children and their parents. These children are welcomed into the Church at the Easter Vigil.
For Adults
- Marriage: The Church requires at least six months notification, and the Parish office should be notified prior to any planning being made. Marriage preparation sessions are required prior to celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage.
- Baptism: Before a child is Baptized, parents are invited to come for an interview as well as participate in preparation sessions. We strongly recommend that these sessions be taken early in pregnancy. A preparation program for parents and godparents is required.
- Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): RCIA is a process which leads to full membership in the Catholic Church. Individuals can begin whenever they feel they are ready. The length of each person’s process is determined with your team coordinator.