Sharing the Journey
“We Wish to See Jesus.” John 12,21 Today, as two thousand years ago, we long to see the face of Jesus. Each one has his or her own reason: some are in need of healing like Bartimaeus, the blind man of Jericho who shouted after Jesus until the disciples brought him to Jesus (Mark 10:46-52); some out of curiosity like Zacchaeus, who climbed a tree to see Jesus because he was short in stature (Luke 19:2-10); some to hear his word like the crowd that pressed in on him to hear the word of God by the Lake of Gennesaret (Luke 5:1-10); some out of love and to look after him like Mary. Today, many people search the face of Christ daily in their lives. Some, find it easy to recognize God’s footsteps on their journey. Some, struggle or are unable to get near Jesus because of many reasons. Some, will never get to know the face of Christ unless we bring them to Jesus. Each one of us, through the virtue of our Baptism, is called to open our eyes and notice the many people around us who, for whatever reason, are alienated or distant from Christ and the Church. It’s up to us to step out of our comfort zones and reach out to one another and bring ourselves and the people around us closer to Christ. In our Parish Community, we have a chance to come together at Eucharist – a Banquet set up for us by Christ, who welcomes the rich and the poor, the famous and the unknown, the saints and sinners. But what about the people who don’t come to share with us because no one has approached or invited them? Let us pray that we have the courage to be disciples who go out and touch one another with Christ’s love and compassion – disciples who constantly invite others to see the face of Christ. Please, let the people around you know about the “Sharing The Journey” process, which will begin in January. Ask them to call for more information and/or register. May our loving Christ embrace each and every one of us with healing and peace. May we be the hands of Christ, the feet of Christ, the eyes of Christ in our time and place. |