Weekly Sunday Reading Group

Please hit the button to join our reading group. Every Tuesday through Friday you will receive one of the Sunday Readings via Flocknote, some commentary on the readings, and some practical suggestions to live that scripture in your day. A great way to prepare for Sunday and grow in Christian Discipleship.

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Are You Interested in Becoming a Catholic?

Baptism of Adults:  The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) provides an opportunity for adults thinking of joining the Church to learn more about the Catholic faith.  Meetings are held weekly from September to May.  During this time, inquirers are given the opportunity to discern if they wish to become members of the Catholic Church.  Interested persons are asked to contact Linda at the parish office, 780-456-5399, to schedule an appointment before starting the process.

Is your child between the ages of 7 and 15 and not yet baptized?  If you are interested in having your older child(ren) baptized, and would like more information, please call Linda at the parish office, 780-456-5399.  Children and their parents participate in an ongoing process similar to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.  Meetings are held weekly from September to May. 

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1000 Commitment Bricks

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Visit FORMED.ORG to sign up to access great Catholic content!

  1. Click ‘Sign Up,’ then select ‘Sign up as a parishioner’
  2. Find St Charles by parish name, address, or zip code
  3. Enter your name and email – and you’re in!
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Registration information – 1st Reconciliation/ 1st Communion

Visit our First Reconciliation and First Communion page for registration information. Registration begins January 20, 2022.

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Family Tree Order Form

Don’t forget – you can still purchase a spot on our family tree. Complete the order form below and submit it to the parish office.

(It may be easiest to right-click the order form and save it separately before printing.)

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